Slieve Felim Community Day
Sunday 14th June 2015

Soccer Activities

Player of Blitz Presentation - Bernie Quigley presents Cup to Murroe AFC's
Richie Long

Sharp Shooter Presentation - Killian Houlihan receives Trophy from Sean Hickey

Penalty Competition Presenation - Conor Brett receives Trophy from Sean Hickey

Former Greats Cup Presentation - Bernie Quigley presents the Quigley Cup to Winning Captain Donie Nolan

Doon - Bubble Soccer Winners

"I'm out of here, these guys are too slow for me"
Referee Jim Lees surrounded by Former Greats

U-10 Soccer - Rearcross v Murroe

Bubble Soccer Action

Rearcross U-10's

Kilcommon U-10's

Silvermines U-10's

Murroe U-10's